Enhancing animal, human, and food safety educational programs through professional development, cooperation, and nationwide communication



The American Association of Extension Veterinarians is an organization of veterinarians dedicated to the education of the public and the profession in areas of animal and public health. Any veterinarian involved in extension, education, and/or outreach is invited to join the association. Members have a wide variety of backgrounds and professional positions from both the public and private sectors of veterinary medicine.


Objectives of the Organization:

  1. Provide tools and knowledge to help extension veterinarians do their job better.
  2. Position extension veterinarians as important resources for and partners with organizations involved with animal and public health
  3. Engage CSREES to promote the animal, public, and environmental health and well-being objectives of that agency
  4. Provide collaborative and networking opportunities between extension veterinarians
  5. In order to develop appreciation of scholarly contributions of veterinary extension, establish objective evaluation standards for extension veterinarians by administrative units.

The AAEV meets annually at the US Animal Health Association convention. In addition to the annual meeting, the organization sponsors the "Applied Animal and Public Health Research and Extension Symposium" in conjunction with the annual meeting.

2025 AAEV Membership Information

Regular member dues $20 

shall hold degrees of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or its equivalent and be University faculty or employees of a government agency with an extension or outreach mission and be actively engaged in the extension of veterinary knowledge

Associate member dues $20

persons interested in veterinary extension programs.  Associate members may be admitted to membership by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. 

Student member dues  $10 

student enrolled in professional DVM or approved advanced training/graduate program

Honorary member dues  $0

shall be retired extension veterinarians and those voted membership by the Executive Committee.

Pay Your Dues Online Here (Online PayPal)

AAEV Dues Form 2025 (If Paying by Mail)
Please make all payments to AAEV
Return payments to:

Dr. Carla L. Huston
AAEV Treasurer
College of Veterinary Medicine
Mississippi State University PO Box 6100
Mississippi State, MS  39762
Pay with PayPal


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